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Aluminium Industry Trend & Analysis, Technology Review, Event Rundown and Much More …

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AL Circle

Geopolitical crises and the global aluminium industry: Uncertain waters

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The aluminium industry is a bedrock of modern manufacturing and infrastructure. Everything from automobiles to electronics to green energy to humble soda cans depends on this metal. However, geopolitical crises are disrupting this market. These crises include the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Red Sea Shipping crisis, rising tensions in the South China Sea, protectionism, and many […]

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AL Circle

Regulations and tariffs distorting the global aluminium trade

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The global aluminium industry operates as a vast and intricate ecosystem, where even the smallest regulatory adjustments can set off chain reactions that ripple throughout the entire value chain. Governments hold considerable sway over the industry’s trajectory, from energy policies to trade tariffs. Any such decision made by governments can send shockwaves that reverberate among […]

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AL Circle

The regulatory swamp: An analysis of regulations and tariffs affecting the global aluminium industry

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The global aluminium industry is like a complex ecosystem, where the slightest regulatory shift can send cascading effects throughout the entire value chain. Governments wield enormous influence over the industry’s trajectory, from energy policies to trade tariffs. Each decision made by governments worldwide can send ripples throughout the entire aluminium producers and consumers’ network. This […]

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AL Circle

How is the Red Sea crisis impacting global aluminium trade routes?

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The unrelenting spate of attacks on commercial vessels navigating through the Red Sea has sent shockwaves through the global aluminium market, causing massive disruptions in commodity trade routes. This crisis, the ever-escalating tensions, the knock-on supply chain issues, and the multifold rise in maritime shipping insurance premiums have forced a major reorganisation in the industry, […]

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AL Circle

Challenges and ways to decarbonise the aluminium value chain

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Aluminium is a crucial element contributing to the development of modern technologies focusing on energy transition. It is also the reason behind the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) worldwide. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported that aluminium production alone contributes around 3 per cent of the GHG emissions (around 270 tonnes). The clean energy […]

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AL Circle

Aluminium supply chain: Challenges and ways to overcome them

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The exceptional features of aluminium make it an excellent choice for manufacturing various products ranging from household items to aerospace. If we talk about only the transportation sector, the automotive lightweight material market is anticipated to reach US$ 99.3 billion by 2025. This metal is by far the best option to construct long-distance power lines. […]

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AL Circle

Sustainability imperatives: Rethinking aluminium supply chain dynamics

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Aluminium’s exceptional properties make it an optimal choice for manufacturing diverse products, spanning from everyday household items to advanced aerospace components. Its remarkable characteristics, including lightweight yet robust structure, excellent conductivity, corrosion resistance, and recyclability, contribute to its widespread utilisation across industries. This versatile material facilitates the creation of durable and efficient consumer goods and […]

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AL Circle

The impact of digital transformation on B2B transactions in the aluminium industry

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“Any business that functions as an agency today and is serving other businesses is an opportunity to create an internet- and online-led B2B marketplace and services,” Anant Vidur Puri, partner, Bessemer Venture Partners (BVP). As the global economy continues to transform at an unprecedented pace, technology has become an ever-present force. The aluminium sector hailed […]

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AL Circle

Global trade policies and tariffs – The X factor affecting the aluminium industry

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The entire value chain of the Aluminium industry is like a chain of dominoes. A shift in one part of the value chain can affect the whole lifecycle of aluminium production and consumption. Now, this aluminium production and consumption life cycle depends on: Energy (electricity or coal) Government policies on bauxite mining Government policies on […]

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