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Aluminium Industry Trend & Analysis, Technology Review, Event Rundown and Much More …

Aluminium Industry Trend & Analysis, Technology Review, Event Rundown and Much More …

AL Circle

AlCircle participates in ALUMINIUM 2012: a meeting place for global aluminium industry

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ALUMINIUM 2012 Trade Fair & Conference came to a successful end at Messe Dusseldorf, Germany on 11 October 2012. The three day fair has been one of the most prestigious and long standing trade shows for the global aluminium industry. The exhibition unites producers, processors, technology suppliers and consumers along the entire value chain of […]

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Aluminium in building and construction: a modern alternative to steel

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As a metal, Aluminium has a quite a few distinguishing properties that make it the ideal material for a wide range of applications. Especially in the building and construction industry, it is turning out to be the most preferred metal. Designers and architects are increasingly experimenting with the metal for designing unique and innovative structures […]

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AL Circle

Novelis: a Sustainability Champion and Growth Driver for Hindalco

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Hindalco Industries Ltd’s domestic operations have been struggling to earn profit during an unfavorable global economic scenario of past couple of years. The only silver lining in Hindalco’s sky is Novelis Inc., its international subsidiary, whose value-added aluminium products and increased focus on recycling have helped profits grow to a considerable extent. Atlanta-based Novelis is […]

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Red Mud Disposal: The Ecological Concern of Alumina Refining

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The global primary Aluminium industry has been constantly reeling under pressure with accusations of environmental pollution and carbon emission. At every stage of aluminum production, starting from open cast Bauxite mining to caustic soda leach Bayer’s Alumina refining process to the fluoride fused salt electrolytic process of aluminium smelting; there are a large number of […]

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The Untapped Bauxite Potential in Africa: Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and Sierra Leone

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At the last count, around 16% of the global bauxite production has been reported to have been produced by the African mining industry. The rich reserve of African bauxite mostly concentrated in Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and Sierra Leone is, of late drawing considerable attention of the global alumina-aluminum industry. Ghana Ghana reports the 3rd […]

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Bauxite Mining in Africa

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It’s an irony that some of the poorest countries in the world posses richest bauxite reserves. Africa, though poorly explored as of date, does posses some of the richest reserves of Gibbsitic bauxite. The known reserves are mostly concentrated in Guinea, Ghana, Jamaica and Sierra Leone but there are vast areas lying between tropic of […]

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AL Circle

Power Subsidies and the Present Crisis in the Aluminium Industry

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It is a well-known fact that Aluminium smelting, which depends entirely on the fused salt electrolytic Hall-Heroult process is a bulk consumer of electrical energy. Electricity accounts for around 20 to 25 per cent of production costs of primary Aluminium. Industry experts and technologists have been constantly working towards improving the energy efficiency of the […]

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